Friday, July 12, 2013

Wowza! Two quotes in one week!

So, I have this saying:

"If you are doing something you shouldn't be doing, somebody always gets hurt."

I've been saying it since Kid #1 was little and would get hurt. It was my way of not overreacting to "all" of her complaints, ouchies, tattle-telling and so forth. 

She would come to me and say something like, "I hurt my knee climbing on the kitchen counter-top." And I would say, "Well, that's too bad. Are you okay? Yes? Well, you know you shouldn't be climbing on the counter-tops. And what do I always say? 'If you are doing something you shouldn't be doing, somebody always gets hurt' right? And she would reply with a dismal 'yes.'"

As time went, and more kids were added, it has been said over and over again. 

Sometimes I start it out, "If you're doing something...."

And the kids finish it..."you shouldn't be doing, somebody always gets hurt." ...sometimes in unison. 

So, again I searched the web for this quote. And again I got nothing. Well, nothing on the first page. :)

So, you see, my second quote in one week. I am on my way to being published. Lol. 

Friday, July 5, 2013

"I'm nothing if not loyal" -Melissa Schanz

"I'm nothing, if not loyal." -Melissa Schanz. 

I searched and searched on the Internet for someone who said this quote before me, and I did not find anyone. 

So I'm claiming the quote as my own. 

I did however, find that on the movie 'The Emperor's New Grove' there is a quote from Yzma (the crazy lady who wants the emperor dead) to Kuzco (the emperor) that goes "But...but your highness, I have been nothing if not loyal to your highness for many many years." 

So, you see, not the same. 

Therefore, the quote belongs to me. 

If anyone needs to use it in the future, please give credit where it is due. 

And if anyone finds someone else that said it first, please do not let me know. Because, frankly, I did not look past page one on Google. I mean, who looks past page one?!?! 

Adios Muchachas 


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Rack City = Headache City

You know the song Rack City? No? Okay, we'll it goes something like this:

Rack rack city b*tch, rack city b*tch, rack rack city b*tch, rack city b*tch, mutha on the beat...

You get the picture. It's totally annoying. I mean my 5 year old could come up with better lyrics than that. 

Anyway, the only reason I bring it up is because every time I get one of my annoying headaches, I think of that song and its annoying lyrics. 

Except mine goes:

Headache city man, head ache city, headache city man, head ache city. Mother has a headache. 

Still annoying but better suited to fit my headache situation. 

That's all. 

Adios Muchachas 


Monday, July 1, 2013

Where am I? Lost.


I took a leave of absence from work. It's been two glorious weeks away from work. I say glorious because I haven't had to deal with anyone telling me they can't work, or texting me that all of a sudden they have the most contagious flu or whatever other reasons they have for not working. 

I was stressed to the gills. Vomiting stress. Convulsing stress. Reaking of stress. 

So this begins my third week of not working and I get a text from an employee. She says she can't reach anyone but can't work her shift tonight. I tell her nicely that I am on a leave of absence right now and she needs to call our work and talk to someone there. She texts me back, "I quit."

See what I'm talking about??? Stress!

Since my parents have shown me great work ethic, I have it too. 

That, my friends, is NOT good work ethic. And that's what has me on a leave of absence. 

Now, what to do? Should I pass on her text to the next in charge? Should I respond to her? Seriously, a leave of absence should mean that I don't have to mess with any of this stuff at all. 

The reason for the leave of absence is what the job was doing to me. I'm supposed to be figuring out what to do and if I can return to this work at all. 

Texts like that make me want to run for the hills screaming "I'm Free!"

What to do? Oh, what to do?

Adios Muchachas 


P.S. Anyone out there hiring?