Sunday, January 3, 2021

Day 3 (Still here)

I did it! I came back for day 3 (technically on day 2 but we talked about this, remember?) of exercise/diet punishment.

Today I ate a handful of tator tots, a few chicken wings, and had a coffee spiked with hot chocolate again. Not sure what's for dinner yet but I probably need protein & carbs, along with veggies. I have a little bit of a headache starting and I think it's a lack of nutrients. It's all right. I'll eat something and down an Emergen-C with a bottle of water. All will be good. I hope. 

Anyway, Day 3: Just got back from the gym and have to say I did a fine job of torturing myself with a make you sweat treadmill incline workout from Body for Life.

Check out that incline. ^^ Not sure my lower back appreciated it but we'll see how it feels tomorrow.

To help with my back issue, I'll hop on my inversion table for a few minutes later and finish the night with 15 minutes of heating pad. Btw, if you've never used an inversion table, you are missing out on one of the greatest contraptions for spine/back pain sufferers ever invented. You seriously hang upside down like a bat. That's it. When you come off the table you are about an inch taller and every kink has been pulled straight. 

Beyond the incline treadmill routine, I spent 5 minutes on the stairmaster, climbing a total of 16 flights. I want to make a goal of 20 flights then add a flight each week. Seems doable. Maybe. 

I finished with ab work doing 5-30 second planks and 6-12 rep russian twists. My back cracked with each one. Maybe I don't need the inversion table time. Nah. I definitely do. 

Tomorrow is technically, kind of, most definitely, a holiday. I know what you're thinking. The 4th of January is not a holiday on any calendar, but... A birthday is always a holiday. Therefore, remember my rule about not having to do stupid diet/exercise on holidays? So... Basically I'm telling you early, tomorrow, I may not participate in this hocus pocus I've started. But... I still may. The day just might involve cake. 🍰 🥳 And, probably a Guinness. Both of those equal large calories. Both well cherished. Hence why I would enjoy them on a birthday. We shall see. 

Adios Muchachas,


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