Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Best advice

We've all heard it before...

"If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything at all."

It is such a true statement. But going further, if you decide to say something that is pleasant to your ears but is secretly being hurtful to others, it means the same thing. 


I say, "I love that I have a nice big diamond ring."  But, I'm only saying this because someone I know has a teeny tiny diamond and I'm secretly hoping they feel bad. 

I know, maybe not the most clear cut example. But still, you get it. Maybe the new "If you don't have something nice to say, then...."  Should be:

"Think about others before you open your mouth." 

Think about the company you have around you. To be a true good friend we do not boast about the things we are given. God gave them to us to treasure, not gloat. 

But since I want everyone to enjoy what I have, I have an amazing God. Period. 

Adios Muchachas 


P.S. Facebook is the devil in disguise. It is just a place to tempt people into saying sarcastic, double-meaning statements to hurt the ones we hold dear. Sometimes I wish I didn't participate...

P.P.S. But, I will continue to keep my Facebook page open and going because I love seeing my family and friends pictures and hope people like seeing mine. Hopefully I will not be tempted by the devil to participate in the evilness part of it. 

P.P.P.S. That is all the deep thoughts I have for now.  :)

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