Monday, August 6, 2012

Where do I go from here??

Okay, so I have no problem admitting I have no idea what to do about getting in shape. Well, okay, I actually have an idea, but I don't know how I am going to accomplish it. I'm not very good at losing weight, apparently. :(

I have a couple of friends that have had amazing results eating 1500 calories a day. But it's soooooo boring!!!!! I want variety, flavor, chocolate, bread, pasta, chocolate, red meat and did I mention chocolate?!?!

So, what do I do? I know so many people say to "be happy with your own body" or "just be glad you're healthy" or "love yourself, even if you don't like how you look on the outside." But, I don't want to be happy with how I look because I'm not happy with how I look so why would that make me happy with how I look?!? Got that? Probably not. I don't know if I even got it!

So, again. What do I do?

Well, I guess it's back to the drawing board for me. Or, in this case, the weight loss journals.

Until next blog, where hopefully I'll have figured out how to lose weight and get back into "the shape of my life!"


  1. I eat 1500 cals a day and eat all that stuff you mentioned. The key is portion. If I eat pasta, I have 3/4 cup. Red meat is 4 oz. I have variety and flavor galore, just not unlimited amounts. Tonight for dinner I'm making sweet and spicy chicken bits (chicken, wrapped in bacon - turkey bacon- and then seasoned with brown sugar and spices), corn and black bean salsa, veggies to dip, and mac and cheese (3/4 cup). about 500 calories for all that. I eat 300 for breakfast, 400 for lunch, and a couple 100 calorie snacks. It is doable and fun!

    1. Apparently I don't know how to reply to a Probably because I have 3 followers and one of them is myself from my gmail acct!

      Anyway, see comment below! ;)

  2. Thanks for the info Brittney. I know how to do it, well, the mechanics of dieting But, with 4 kids and a busy lifestyle, I've lost my bearings on how to. I guess what I really need to get straight is how to get everything planned out so I don't slip up. You sound like you are following a good plan. I'm promising myself to do the same. It's great to have reinforcements! Thanks for your advice!
