Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday, Jan. 31, 2011

Week 2 results

Weighed in today. I was a bit nervous though. I didn't workout last week at all and I ate 2 slices of pizza and cake at Kenna's birthday party. But I still managed to lose 1 pound.

The plan this week is to keep counting points and get in some exercise. I already managed to get in 30 minutes today. 10 minutes on the incline treadmill, 10 minutes on the tredall treadmill & 10 minutes on the bike. It felt good too! I should get to workout a lot this week because it is going to snow a lot and school is already cancelled for Tuesday. Which means all my kids will be going with me to the gym.....Fun, Fun.

I am amazed at how well I am doing on the food part of this journey. Hopefully I can keep it up.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Jan. 24, 2011

Week 1 results

So this is the beginning of my weight loss journey. (I hope there's weight loss anyway) I now weigh my heaviest I've ever weighed without being pregnant. I'm going the weight watchers route. Not going to classes and weigh-ins every week though. I just don't have the time to go with 4 kids, working FT, husband, house, church, sports.....etc. I know how the program works. I can consume 28 points a day, and if I want I can have 35 flex points to use each week. I'm hoping to not use the flex points though. I kinda feel like it is "cheating" I've bookmarked the weight watchers calculator at on my home computer and my phone, so that I can check any food that has calories, fat grams, and fiber.

This is actually the end of my first week. I started on 1/17/2011. I've been eating mostly high fiber cereal for breakfast, a banana for a snack, lean cuisine frozen meal for lunch, carrots for a snack, 5 cups of 98% lower fat popcorn for a later snack, and a small portion of dinner. (usually 4-5 points). This must be working okay because I lost 10 pounds in the first week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still can't believe I lost that much in a week. I'll need to add in some other foods this week in order to not be bored though. I'm thinking hard boiled egg whites, chicken breast, tuna and a little more milk. I am drinking about 75 Oz's. of water a day too. So far the sugar withdrawal has not been bad, but I've had a headache every day that is tolerable.

Exercise is BLAH!!!! I used to love to exercise, I don't know what has happened to that desire. I did manage to run 2/walk 1 times 10 this past week 3 times. But if I want to lose some serious weight I'm going to have to exercise daily. Like I said BLAH!!!!

My beginning weight is 208.8lbs. YIKES!!!! That is what I weighed at my 6 week check-up after I had my last baby, KJ. He's now 2 3/4 yrs old. My plan is to weigh-in every Monday morning and post that evening. Also weight watchers likes you to have an ultimate goal weight and several mini goals. I like to say I want to weigh 150, but what if I get there and want to weigh less? So I'm going with the saying "I'll know when I get there" (Hopefully not more than 150 My first mini goal is to be 190 lbs. Since I already lost 10 pounds, I am only 9 lbs away from my first mini goal! But that doesn't mean I will get there fast.

Well, time to plan out week 2!!