Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Thyroid Crap

Man this Thyroid crap is just that. Crap. I know what you're thinking, and from my own words too. "C'mon Mel, suck it up buttercup."  And you're right, I should just suck it up, but all I ever want to do is sleep. Or lie in bed. Either one is fine with me right now. 

So, after just over 2 months on LevoThyroxine 100 mg, I'm still tired. Not really sure what I was thinking would happen on medication, but...  Oh, who am I kidding, I know exactly what I thought would happen and it goes something like this:

Take medicine, aka: Magic pill, and life goes back to how it was before my thyroid decided to crap out. Actually life is even better than before no thyroid life. (Not quite sure why that scenario would happen, but hey, I was being optimistic.) I was also picturing myself 100 pounds lighter. Not sure where that came from either. That's being overly optimistic! Lol. 

So... Tiredness, grouchy, I can't seem to hear anything anyone says to me anymore, my eyesight is terrible and I'm freaking cold all the time. Did you know it was 97 degrees today where I live and I had on jeans, a tee shirt and a hoodie! Seriously. 

I've changed my diet to add more iodine in. I'm taking the medication. I'm taking the vitamins. I'm drinking tons (and I really do mean tons) of water. I'm walking every day. What else can I do to get back to me? 

I'm frustrated to say the least but I don't return to the doctor until November, so... (Twiddling thumbs) what to do? What to do? Anybody in the same boat as me? Or even ocean? I'd like someone who has been where I am to let me know it's going to get better. 

I know there are way worse things out there in the big bad world. Like cancer, abortion, children dying, starvation, dirty drinking water; the list goes on and on and on, but this is the chapter I'm on right now in my life and God seriously knows how impatient I am. Seriously, He and I have had the 'I have zero patience' conversation several times.  I'm a work in progress. Obviously. 

I think I'll take up yoga... Lol, as if. I can just see myself attempting yoga and trying to be all quiet so I could meditate and all that stuff only to interrupt myself with random thoughts and all the crap that constantly runs through my brain. 

Yeah. Not going to happen in my lifetime. 


Adios Muchachas,


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Dear Thyroid

Dear Thyroid,

I am writing you this letter to let you know how disappointed I am in you. You have failed me. I fully expected you to be there for me for the longevity of my life, and yet you are leaving me. This was not our aggrement.

Why? Was it something I did? That virus I had that one time? Was it the concussion? Hashimoto's disease? Either way, I just wish you could've hung around for the rest of my life to see how it goes.

Because you are leaving me, I now have to take medicine daily for the rest of said life. Bleck! I am not a fan of pills. I don't care how tiny. It is annoying to take medication every single day. You've left me with no choice but to be upset with you.

I'm not happy at all about the energy you have stolen from me. My children are the ones who are supposed to be syphoning the energy from me. They deserve it, not you.

And the dry skin, brittle nails, grey hair; or worse thinning hair! Of all the mean things to do to a women, why did you have to thin my hair? I miss my thick healthy mane. It surely wasn't a very nice thing to do.

I'm not sure where to begin with the feeling of the need for sleep 24/7. And then you throw insomnia at me. Why? Is it all just a cruel game you are playing with me?

If games are what you are playing, then I'm here to tell you that I'm a natural competitor. Yep, you heard me right, I'm going to fight you for my body. I know it's going to be rough and I understand that you and I are never going back to how it was before, but I'm still fighting to keep myself. Yes, I'm going to take the medicine the doctor prescribed, plus the vitamins, extra Iron, Iodine, thousands of gallons of water, the fish, fiber, nuts, fruits and vegetables and exercise as much as I can. I am going to do all that is recommended to help prolong the life of what amount I have left of you. You will not get all of me. I may give my body a little rest here and there at your insistence, but just know that I will fight you. I refuse to allow the depression you force on me. I will conquer the anxiety. I will continue to do mind building exercises to stay sharp and block out the brain-fog you are so persistant on me suffering from. Now that I know that you are being lazy and no longer doing your job, I will do my best to keep you from ruining my life. Because I have a husband and children that need me. Because I have parents and siblings that love me. Because I have friends that enjoy my company. Because I have a loving God who knows I have work to do here on this earth.

This is my pledge to you. Take THAT Thyroid. I dare you to come at me. Actually, I double dog dare you.


The body that has housed you for thirty-eight years now. I think you could be a little more appreciative of that. Just saying.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Why I'm on the fence over watching 50 Shades of Grey

First off, let me be totally honest. (Which, btw, I always am.)

I read all three books in the series. In one week. While I was on our 15 year wedding anniversary trip to Jamaica.

There were parts I enjoyed.

There were parts I did not enjoy.

And, I've read books with more sex in them than 50 shades had. (Yes. Really. There are books out there that are far worse. Far more descriptive. Far more disgusting. I know it's hard to believe, but 50SOG is NOT the first book with erotic scenes involved.)

I'm not always comfortable reading sex scenes, I'd just as soon a story read, "And he carried her off to the bedroom..." and the rest was left up to my imagination.

But, the fact remains, it is a book about a sexual relationship between an unmarried man and woman. The male happens to believe he can only live as a dominate, while the female believes he is capable of love.

So, classic love story, right? Well, maybe not so classic in the sense of what his lifestyle entails. And this is where people begin to throw the "porn" label around.

Honestly, I do not watch porn. I don't see the point in it, but it is a 10-14 billion dollar industry, (Forbes magazine) so, obviously it is a money maker for someone out there and a very profitable one at that. I understand, sex sells. It sells movies, books, magazines, and pretty much everything. Commercials have been using sex appeal to sell products such as: clothing, cars, Old Spice, Perrier water, Dentyne Ice gum, Carl's Junior burgers and the list goes on an on, you get the picture. It does not appeal to me though. I did not read 50SOG for the sex scenes. (Actually I skimmed most of them) However, romance novels appeal to me. What can I say, I'm a sucker for a happy ending, knight in shining armor, or billionaire gets the girl. Either way, the story appealed to me.

While reading 50SOG, I found myself drawn to Anastasia. Here we have a just graduated college student, virgin, who has not necessarily been saving herself for marriage, but hasn't happened upon the right guy. As a Christian I have to admit I am disappointed when a character is not so concerned with morals, unfortunately there aren't mounds of popular books where the female character is concerned about her virtue. Although I have read some. And, there are definitely not many books to read where the male character is "saving himself" for the wedding bed. In society, for some reason men get a pass on this. I doubt God feels the same. And, speaking of God, He let us know in Genesis 2:24 "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh."

Back to Ana. She is a young adult who is seriously lost. (I'd like to think I wasn't that lost at 22) She doesn't know what she wants from life. She hasn't even been looking for a job for post graduation. She is the perfect target for Christian. And I say target because that's precisely what he thinks of his next submissive. In his lifestyle, he looks for a submissive by gauging if he could control a person or not. I know, this is where some major red flags for the feminist community come in. I've read a huge majority of the articles on this "red-flag" and I can even see the point in some, but, I somewhat defend the lifestyle because it IS a lifestyle for some people. And regardless of what feminist think, it can be a healthy lifestyle. So, to say things like "Why should a woman be controlled?" "Are we back in the 19th century?" or "Great, now women are taking a step backward instead of forward toward a future of freedom from oppression." I disagree with all of those comments because, like I said, some people "live" this lifestyle.

Okay, I have to let you know about my naiveness here. Until reading 50SOG, and at 35 years of age, I had no idea that BDSM (Bondage dominance/or discipline submission masochism) was a real thing. Obviously I was in the dark, even though I had read some books where there was some of that kind of thing going on, however in all of those stories it was frowned upon. Like it was a disease or something. Kind of like how Russell Brand says he is a sex addict. But then I researched it, and found out there is an entire, I'll call it, culture out there where they practice this stuff. Okay, if I was uncomfortable with porn or Playboy magazines, then BDSM is definitely not my thing. If it's yours, so be it, I am not your judge or jury.

So I told you a bit about Ana, so, here is the background story on Christian. He is this totally messed up billionaire. Christian has believed from a very young age that he is damaged goods. Incapable of loving someone. BDSM is the ONLY relationship he knows how to have. His words to describe himself are: "Fifty shades of f****d up." His mother was a prostitute. She did drugs and was strung out for most of the four years he spent with her. She committed suicide and he spent four days with her dead corpse, walking around in her blood and starving because he couldn't find food to eat. So, he is emotionally damaged. He is introduced into the submissive lifestyle, as a young teenager, by an adult "trusted" family friend. His adoptive parents have no clue. So, he is physically damaged. And because of the two, he is mentally damaged. This is so typical of many real stories that go on in the world. Abuse is real. Especially sexual abuse in adolescents. 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 20 boys. And those are just the numbers reported. It is estimated that only 20 percent of cases are actually reported. Yikes!( So, for me, this book isn't about sex because the BDSM lifestyle Christian leads is just a coping mechanism for a damaged man who feels out of control and wants to protect himself from pain by being in control of all things. Women included.

The difference in Christian being the submissive for his adult lady friend and Christian being the Dominant of many (the book reports 12 before Ana) is that he was a young teen when he was subjected to the lifestyle and therefore could not comprehend the difference between the attention he craved (and was getting) and what abuse was. Therefore he fell into the sexual abuse trap. Since he became the dominate, he did not take a submissive without consent and definitely not one under age. Regardless of what the reviews say, I did not read where Ana says no. She does tell him that she doesn't want to have sex because she is sweaty and disgusting from a workout, but she changes her mind. She is embarrassed over her presumed stinkiness and he assures her that she does not smell. I can't see where this is so uncommon with people in this world today, myself included. So, the so-called "rape" is completely taken out of context.

So, why would I even like this story, you ask?

Well, the part of the story I'm drawn to is the part where Ana changes Christian. Ana is his knight in shining armor. She teaches him how to love. And how to be loved. She shows him that he is worthy of love and that his family (his adoptive family, has been waiting years to show him love). Is this not the same as what we try to do for our fellow human beings on a daily basis? I don't know about you, but if I know someone who is struggling with things in their life, I try to help them to the best within the capabilities I've been given. Now, I wouldn't help them out sexually, but I'd refer them to someone of a profession (think a counselor or addiction therapist, not prostitute) that could be of assistance.

I know, most will say this is a huge stretch for this book/movie, but I am not most people. I have the ability to read into the underlying story and comprehend it without it effecting me. Just like when I read 'The Kite Runner' I didn't feel the need to rape anyone, when I read 50SOG I didn't feel the need to beat my husband with whips and tie him up.

Several critics say that the story glorifies abusive relationships. I'm not going to deny that whatsoever. In the beginning, nearly every interaction between Ana and Christian was emotionally abusive in nature. He stalked her. Isolated her from her friends. Showed up at her part time job (she didn't even tell him she had a job, let alone where she worked). Intimidated her. He sold her beloved car and bought her a brand spanking (pun intended) new one. For which she was furious. But, you have to know, this is all prior to Ana really getting to know him and pushing him to change. She holds her own against him. She moves him. These traits he has in the beginning slowly go away as she challenges Christian to be a better, different person. And he accepts. In the beginning without even realizing it. By the time he catches on, he is already going down her path with her hand-in-hand. Willingly. Lovingly. How boring would this story be if it started out with Christian already a changed man? What would the point of that be? Obviously he has to be "messed" up in the beginning in order for the rest of the story to take place. Duh! 

So, question: after all of the above thoughts from me, do I think people should read 50SOG? My answer is no. Not unless you are capable of seeing it for the somewhat beautiful butterfly metamorphosis that it is. Not unless you can read intimidate details of the submissive lifestyle. Not unless you enjoy a good love story where, surprise, there are forces of nature trying to keep the two main characters apart. And by forces of nature, I also include the main characters as they try to destroy the very relationship they are building. And, definitely shouldn't be read by teens.

As for the movie, like my title says, "I'm on the fence over watching 50 Shades of Grey," I'm pretty sure my answer will forever be no, I do not wish to see the movie version. I read a review before the movie was released that said 1/5th of the movie is comprised of sex scenes. I have no desire to see that. I can not imagine the director capturing the things I liked about the book and effectively putting them into the movie. As I said above, sex sells. I can only imagine the movie is going to capture a lot of submissiveness and less metamorphosis.

Am I going to judge anyone for watching the movie? Well, no. Just like being honest, I try my hardest to not be judgmental. Who would that benefit? 

One more thing. As a Christian I'm sure most people are going to ridicule me for reading it in the first place. I agree. It is not a Godly book. It does not glorify God in any way. This is something I am not proud of about myself. I'm also not proud of anything I do myself. Thankfully my God is a forgiving God. 

In the end, make your own choices about watching it or not. As, I've made mine.

Adios Muchachas,


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Five Categories of Migraines

I suffer from live with migraines. Migraines are not to be confused with a really bad headache. Migraines are migraines. There's no defining them any other way.

I have come up with a sort of scale system to categorize my migraines. I call it MC1-MC5. It is short hand for Migraine Category 1 through Migraine Category 5. Think Hurricane categories. Because, we all know, a migraine can feel a bit like being hit by a hurricane.

Before getting into the categories, I have to explain the difference between a headache and a migraine. With my migraines, I have a few "tells" that let me know one is developing. With a headache there are none of the "tells" just a headache. And, just a headache responds to OTC medicine.

So, what is a "tell"? I have many as I'm sure most migraine sufferers do. Here I'll list some of mine, and the one that I don't experience. A sharp pain in the hinge of my jar, a tingling under my scalp in the "headband" area, pressure behind the eye socket (usually only one eye socket is effected), pressure between my eyes; as in the bridge of my nose area and sharp pains in and around my cheek bones.

And then there's the aura that people talk about. I do not get the aura. The best way to describe this is to call it a vision distortion. Sometimes people can see wavy lights in their peripheral vision. From what I've read, within thirty minutes of the aura, the migraine begins. This is listed as the most common "tell" of an oncoming migraine. I'm not sure why I don't experience this "tell", but I've been told my migraines are unusual and they also don't respond to migraine medicines. I know, I'm obviously, medically weird. As expected.

So, that being said, I can get into the categories now and you'll understand what I'm talking about when I say "tell".

Let's start from the least severe and work our way up.

This is when you have a tell going on and then shortly after your head starts to throb. You've tried OTC medicine and it will not alleviate it. You move on to prescription migraine medicine and with one dose it goes away. It helps to drink lots of water. Generally you can continue your day without the effects of the migraine interfering. The difference between a MC1 and a regular headache is the tell being present and the medicine used to alleviate it.

You've had a tell, your head is throbbing, OTC medicine is not working and neither is the first dose of prescription medicine. You can somewhat function in your job, or the world, but it's starting to effect you. Some effects are trouble concentrating and blurred vision. A second dose of Rx meds helps, but not make it completely go away. Eventually you make it through the day and can go to bed to "sleep" it off. Generally you wake the next day without a migraine or any headache.

All of the above for MC1 and MC2 happen, but no amount of medicine is alleviating your pain. You can't function well at work or in your daily activities. You need a dark room, absolute silence and a cool rag splashed with lavender or peppermint. An MC3 will be accompanied by trouble concentrating, slightly slurred speech, nausea and blurred vision. Sometimes to the point of not being able of driving safely. Your head feels too heavy for your own shoulders and you can feel the veins pulsating through your scalp. Sleep is the only answer. Sometimes you wake the next day with a slight headache, but OTC meds will work to alleviate the headache.

The main difference between MC4 and MC3 is the vomiting that occurs with MC4. The nausea that you felt with the MC3 is intensified and actually makes you physically sick. The pain is so intense that the only way to alleviate it is by vomiting. No amount of meds are helpful. Water, dark rooms, silence or sleep will not help put off the inevitable; puking your guts out until there's nothing left. After heaving your stomach contents, you have less pain, but it is still there and you have an immediate reflex to sleep. And sleep now! I have actually fallen asleep beside the toilet before. No joke. Upon waking the next day there is usually a headache remaining but it is not anywhere near as intense. It's usually about a MC1. Water is your best friend. And food, because your stomach is empty.

And, that brings us up to a MC5. The mother of all migraines. This is the one you never want to come to town. MC5 is the MC4 plus you end up in the Emergency Room. The reason you end up in the ER is simple, dehydration and pain. It takes an IV bag (or two) and a shot of Demerol to end this type of migraine. Earlier on in my migraine life I visited the ER on a regular basis, even once when I was out of town, but since then I have figured out ways to keep from suffering from the MC5. The main way to stay out of the ER is by drinking lots of water. When the first tell begins, before you ever feel your capillaries pulsating, drink water. Don't chug it, just take a sip here, a sip there and so on. I've found that room temperature water goes down the best when you are starting to feel the effects of a migraine coming on. I don't know why, but it's just something that works. The day after a MC5 you will definitely have a migraine hangover. I've had one last for five days and had to take strong prescription pain medicine such as Vicodin.

MC3, MC4 and MC5 are all debilitating to your day. Don't expect to do anything the day any of these categories come into your life, except cope.

Alright, now that I covered the categories of migraines, I thought I might add some things over the years that have been known to cause migraines for myself. These aren't the same for everyone, but if you suffer from migraines and you are not sure what is causing them, maybe you should check out what you are eating or your surroundings.

Here's my trigger list:
Aged cheddar
Lunch meat
Soy foods
Hot dogs-or any food that contains nitrates
Some citrus foods
Excessive amounts of caffeine (This is because caffeine dehydrates you)
Secondhand smoke
Some cigars
Strong perfume
Flashing lights
Too much direct sunlight (Yes, this one sucks. I really enjoy the sun)
And STRESS. Just FYI, stress is listed as the number one cause of migraines. Although I believe dehydration is.

Here is a list of other triggers known to the migraine world, but none of these seem to bother me.
Alcohol (except wine effects me)
Citrus juice (weirdly I can drink small amounts of juice, but not eat very much citrus)
Marinated, pickled or fermented food
Peanut butter
Sourdough bread
Broad beans, Lima beans
Sour cream
Menstrual cycle

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. This is strictly my opinion and information I have gathered on my own migraines. Do not replace your own physicians advice with any of my experiences. Seek professional help.

Adios Muchachas,


Sunday, January 4, 2015

100 of my Favorite Things

In honor of my birthday, (32nd according to my 6 year old) I decided to make a list of my 100 favorite things. These are in no particular order, but my kids said I HAD to put my Faith and family at the beginning. So here it goes. 

My God~his son and the Holy Spirit all in one, my husband, my kids, my parents, all other family, good friends, the Atlantic ocean, Chips and Salsa, The University of Notre Dame, books, absolute quietness, music, sunny days, a clean kitchen, Christmas hymns, first snow of the year, tall boots, traveling, love letters, NASCAR, giggling, dogs, the USA military, TV dramas, my quilt, Coke Zero, Rum (and both of the two previous together), steak, vacation, lounging  poolside, hot tea, lifting weights, Shockers Basketball, Taylor Swift, Antiques, the beach, sleeping, reading, pianos, mascara, the color green, all levels of football, Holy communion, shirts that talk, my kids sports, ear buds, Asics shoes, sunglasses, homemaking my kids Halloween costumes, Pinterest, QT Pineapple Green tea, putting my feet on the dash while Jed drives long distance, High heels, the Green Bay Packers, sappy romance novels, a jeep with no top or doors and really BIG tires for mudding, Netflix, Holy Week church services, writing, Febreeze, tubing on the lake, Venti white chocolate mocha from Starbucks, staying up really late to finish a novel, sleeping in, hoop earrings, air conditioning, toilet paper, Isotoner gloves, patio sitting by my fire pit, my iPad mini, my iPhone, the smell of used books, moscato wine, photography, sledding, TJ MAXX, Directv, DVR, Shock Top beer with an orange slice and cold glass, humor, texting over talking on the phone, Instagram, fresh-clean towels, Birthday parties, bike riding, hoodies, big screen TV's, popcorn, concerts, Libraries, my children's individuality, red hair, shopping, coloring, giving gifts, flying in airplanes, fishing, my husbands smile, my tattoo, praying. 

Now, those being said, this is not a list of the only things I love, just my 100 favorite. 

Disclaimer: This list is subject to change based on the day, hour, temperature outdoors or my mood at the time. 

Love to ya'll,
Adios Muchachas,


Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year, New You! Blah, blah, blah...

My New Years resolution is not going to be a diet or exercise routine that I will ultimately fail at. I mean, why continue to torture myself year after year with the same old weight loss goals, right? I can't even remember my weight loss goals from last year, how am I supposed to keep them? I know, but my new goal is brilliant I tell you, and here it is: I will make a new plan to de-clutter my life instead. If I de-clutter I'm sure to lose weight, right? Some of the de-cluttering will have to be physical work, after all. 

 Well, that's the plan. 

 So, how long until I fail? I'm being optimistic here, but I give it until July 1st. And, actually, I'm not going to be calling it a failure if I make it to July. But, if I somehow, by a miracle only God himself can provide me, do I manage to finish de-cluttering my life (Which, no one can ever really "finish" because, let's face it, clutter will always arise in new forms) then I will be calling that: goal accomplished. 

 Now don't get all, "C'mon Mel, you have to have a little Faith in yourself." Believe me when I say, this IS me having Faith in me! I have zero reason to feel I can do better than 6 months because I have zero results from past projects. Except I did complete my reading goal of 2014. Yep. I wanted to accomplish reading 100 books in a year and I finished it just 3 days shy of the deadline!!! Actually, I ended up reading one extra! <gasp>

So, my new-found feeling of so called faith in myself comes from this particular part of me that managed to make my reading goal. (But really, it's not me who accomplished this goal. Yes, I physically read those books, but God made it possible. He had me sitting a 2 hours worth of practices almost every night of the week throughout most of the year. And, THAT was a huge reason why I accomplished the goal.) 

 Since I'm on that accomplished goal high right now, I shall lay out the definition of "de-clutter my life." 

"De-clutter" meaning to me: 

 1) My house is clean and cleared of all visible "clutter" 
2) Physically I feel less weight (even if the scale says otherwise) 
3) Mentally I feel more relaxed 
4) Emotionally I feel free 
5) My husband can tolerate me and still continues to love me 
6) My kids are still alive and containing all of their body parts 
7) My dog is housetrained kind of potty trained 
8) I've refinished my Great Aunt's antique hutch that has been sitting in my garage for 1 1/2 years now 
9) I've refinished the two antique chairs that are also sitting in my garage (These are the "major" projects on my radar) 

 And 10) I finish writing one of the four book projects I've messed around with for the past 4 years. Even if I don't ever self-publish or get published by any random company out there, especially Harlequin or Penguin books,(because let's face it, THAT alone would be the ultimate dream come true and I would be allowed to die young if need be) as long as I "finish" one of the four storylines and I can personally say I finished one in 2015 it will be wrote down as accomplished. 

So, there you have it. My 2015 goals. Pretty lofty goals now that I see them on paper. I'm actually already feeling kind of overwhelmed by them. Okay. I can do this. I will do this. I am woman hear me roar. (Or something like that mantra) 

Focus. Okay let's break it down. 

Numbers two and three are only going to happen if I accomplish numbers one, eight, and nine. Number four will happen when I finish number ten. Numbers five and six will hopefully be intact throughout the year. And, we should really just completely strike number seven from the list. after all, you can't teach an old dog new tricks, or so I'm told. 

 I'm feeling better about it now. 

 Time for a latte and starting on number one. And that's a skinny latte, if you're needing to ask. Hey, baby steps here. 

Adios Muchachos 


 P.S. Here are a few pictures of some of the items on the list of ten. I will not be showing a pic of the clutter or the antique furniture, not because I don't want to, but more because I don't have pictures of them. These are the said dog, Cupid, my happy kids and loving husband.