Friday, March 18, 2011

Monday, March 14th, 2011

I can't figure out what my problem is, but for some reason I always try to sabotage my weight loss. Well, I managed to do it again this past week. At weigh-in I was up 2.2lbs! I can't believe it, I was doing so good. And now, because I already have it in my head that I have failed, I am not even thinking about weight loss anymore.....depressing!

This time I am putting my foot down and changing the pattern. I am determined to take off all the extra weight I am carrying. I have to have positive thoughts and feelings about food or this will never work. Fruit & veggies are the key!!!

I am going to exercise this week, a lot! I went to the track last night and did 1.5 miles and then ran up and down the stairs for 2 sets. It was a good start back to the exercise regime, enough to start building on anyway.

So wish me luck. I;m willing to keep trying. Everybody has setbacks, so I should too!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Monday, March 7th, 2011

Well....I DID IT!!!!! I made my first goal of 20 pounds! Actually this week I lost .07 lbs. Not as much as I'd like to lose each week, but at least it got me past my goal.

Next goal: 10 more pounds. I figure the first 20 might have come off somewhat easy since I wasn't really watching my food intake.

My girlfriends and I are also planning on doing the Warrior Dash on July 31st, 2011. It's a 5K that also has crazy obstacles like jumping over cars, climbing hay bales, wading through a pond, jumping over fire & slithering through mud under barbed wire. Sounds like loads of fun! Can't wait!!!!

I'm going to have to train for a 5K and maybe some endurance training.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Monday, February 28th, 2011

Down 1 lb. So, somewhere along the way, I changed my first mini-goal from weighing 190 lbs to losing 20 lbs total. I don't know why, but a goal of 18.8 lbs just wasn't motivating enough. So now, I am only .5 lbs away from my first goal of 20 lbs! I am definately going to get some working out in so that I can be done with the first 20 and move on.....

Monday, February 21st, 2011

Down 0.9 lbs this week. If I had worked out even one day it might have been more. I have to find the time and energy to do it!
Better luck next week?!?!
At least I didn't gain! :-)