Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Thyroid Crap

Man this Thyroid crap is just that. Crap. I know what you're thinking, and from my own words too. "C'mon Mel, suck it up buttercup."  And you're right, I should just suck it up, but all I ever want to do is sleep. Or lie in bed. Either one is fine with me right now. 

So, after just over 2 months on LevoThyroxine 100 mg, I'm still tired. Not really sure what I was thinking would happen on medication, but...  Oh, who am I kidding, I know exactly what I thought would happen and it goes something like this:

Take medicine, aka: Magic pill, and life goes back to how it was before my thyroid decided to crap out. Actually life is even better than before no thyroid life. (Not quite sure why that scenario would happen, but hey, I was being optimistic.) I was also picturing myself 100 pounds lighter. Not sure where that came from either. That's being overly optimistic! Lol. 

So... Tiredness, grouchy, I can't seem to hear anything anyone says to me anymore, my eyesight is terrible and I'm freaking cold all the time. Did you know it was 97 degrees today where I live and I had on jeans, a tee shirt and a hoodie! Seriously. 

I've changed my diet to add more iodine in. I'm taking the medication. I'm taking the vitamins. I'm drinking tons (and I really do mean tons) of water. I'm walking every day. What else can I do to get back to me? 

I'm frustrated to say the least but I don't return to the doctor until November, so... (Twiddling thumbs) what to do? What to do? Anybody in the same boat as me? Or even ocean? I'd like someone who has been where I am to let me know it's going to get better. 

I know there are way worse things out there in the big bad world. Like cancer, abortion, children dying, starvation, dirty drinking water; the list goes on and on and on, but this is the chapter I'm on right now in my life and God seriously knows how impatient I am. Seriously, He and I have had the 'I have zero patience' conversation several times.  I'm a work in progress. Obviously. 

I think I'll take up yoga... Lol, as if. I can just see myself attempting yoga and trying to be all quiet so I could meditate and all that stuff only to interrupt myself with random thoughts and all the crap that constantly runs through my brain. 

Yeah. Not going to happen in my lifetime. 


Adios Muchachas,
