Friday, April 7, 2017

Did Someone Say Potato Diet???


I read where a man from Australia lost 114 pounds from eating only potatoes.

Potatoes are my absolute favorite food. (Sorry cake).

I bet you can't guess what my next diet attempt is going to be?

The potato diet, duh!

I guess it's actually called a mono-food diet. Meaning, you eat solely from one food source. The Aussie chose potatoes. He ate only potatoes for an entire year. I read his blog and fell into a potato coma somewhere around him losing 22 pounds the first thirty days without exercising. (Okay, he was over 300 pounds and eating junk to begin with so any attempt at a new diet would grant him these results, but still...22 pounds in a month with no exercise? Sign me up!) He did add in exercise over time, eventually making it to 90 minutes a day, but I currently get 30 minutes a day in now and have no plans to give it up. Maybe I'll add to what I already am doing. Hey...I said maybe!

So...I'm reading through his story and the more I read the more excited I am to begin. Then it dawns on me what eating only potatoes cake.

I love cake.

And, my youngest clover is having a birthday in a couple of days. Which entails cake. Golden cake for his golden birthday.

All right, I'll begin the potato diet the day after his birthday. Hopefully I can continue it until December (the next birthday in our family). In my dreamland, I'll have lost my 22 pounds by then and be allowed to have a sliver of birthday cake again. Right?

So...Potatoes will become my life in 3 days. Coffee and tea are allowed as long as unsweetened, which is how I drink both. Beer on occasion, again, how I drink it and of course, water. Tons of water. Add it together with my women's Day vitamin with added B12 and B6 and I should be all set. Well, we shall see, I'm not the greatest at following through with these types of plans. But potatoes? Favorite. Food. End. Of. Story.

Adios Muchachas,


If you've miraculously found this blog and want to read the original spud dieter's blog, here is the link:

Back Surgery Recovery [part 2+++]

I suppose I forgot about updating my weight loss journey blog with the progress after back surgery. This is the promised [part 2].

Because I'm completely over anything to do with back pain or recovery, in a literal sense, here is the quick version:

1. Went to PT for a month and it helped me tremendously. Thank you Chris at Advanced Physical Therapy.
2. I was right about having piriformis syndrome and it causing my sciatica pain after surgery.
3. PT fixed the issue.
4. I had a follow up with my surgeon where they took new X-rays and everything seems to be doing great.
5. I still live with back pain, but it's not near as horrible as before surgery.

Throughout this journey, from healthy back to locked-up, something is wrong back to surgery and post surgery, I've learned one thing. Take good care of your body.

My next step is focusing entirely on losing weight and exercise. I believe it is the only way to eventually feel better all over. I'll be pushing for a loss of 75 pounds, but I think I'll begin with 5...

More to come on how I plan to accomplish this feat.

Adios Muchachas,
