Let's see, how did I get out of working out in the month of August???
I stood up at work right under an open cabinet door and got a concussion! I wouldn't recommend it. It hurt like hell, and I knew I was going to have a major headache, but I did not know how bad it was going to be.
I hit my head on Tuesday, August 2ND in the late afternoon. I went home. I took some Excedrin (which I now know is one of the worst things you can take when you hit your head. Stick to Tylenol) and then went to sleep for the night, a little nauseous.
Next day, August 3rd, I woke with a splitting headache, but sucked it up, (took more Excedrin) and went to work. About an hour into work, I was having issues with standing for a long period of time, feeling nauseous and dizzy. Around 12pm I figured out I wasn't going to make it at work through the day. I went home and yes, took more Excedrin, then slept until 4pm.
Jed called and asked if I was okay or needed to go to the doctor? I said I was okay, but then I got up to get the kids something to eat and about blacked out! I've never felt so horrible all of a sudden in my life. So, I called Jed back and said, "Yes, I need to go in to see a doctor." Jed left work right away and took me to Derby Family Med center to be checked out.
I ended up with a concussion and an x-ray of my skull. I was told to take Tylenol, (Do Not take anything with Aspirin, hence the bad choice of Excedrin, because Aspirin can cause brain bleeds to be worse) put ice on my head and sleep. I was written off work until Monday August 8Th.
I don't remember Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday much at all. I do know I slept on Thursday & Friday about 40 out of 48 hours. My poor kids. They just had to fend for themselves. Well, Kenna took care of them, fed them, made sure they stayed alive. And in the evening Jed took over. Jed had to do everything for them. Which is why this time was rough on him physically as well. Not only was he worried about me, but now he had to play mom and dad.
Saturday came and I woke with extreme leg pain. We're talking lower back pain and sharp knife shooting pains down my legs. Both legs. I was dizzy, nauseous, head hurting, memory loss, blurred vision and now lower back and severe leg pain. I took some Loritab that I had left over from 6 or 7 months ago and it seemed to help. Problem is....it wears off.
Sunday & Monday I slept a lot. I went back to see the doctor Monday night. He said I had a severe concussion and ordered a head CT. It was scheduled for Thursday, August 11Th. The CT was fine, I guess, they didn't say anything about it. I spent the weekend resting and the kids started school on Monday.
I was feeling better, but just maybe around 50 percent of my normal. I went back to the doctor for a weekly visit. The doctor said I probably need to see a neurologist and I am off work until I am headache free for an entire week. I don't know when that will happen, I have had a headache everyday still.
The good news is....I was allowed to drive again. Well, as long as I didn't take the Loritab during the day. So, now I've been taking Advil during the day and Loritab at night.
Sometimes I push myself to do more than I should. On August 18Th, I allowed myself to drive the kids to a birthday party in Wichita. Then after being there, I was dizzy. Luckily Jed was there with his car, so we just left his there and he drove us home.
Then the next day, Friday, started Mulvane Old Settlers Days, It was a pretty busy morning and totally wore me out, so KJ and I took a 3 hour nap. In the evening we watched Kammie in the Little Miss Pioneer coronation and then on to the rodeo. I managed, but by 8pm had a pretty good headache going again.
Saturday, was super busy. Koen ran, then Jed ran and then Kammie rode in the parade. My mom came to town and brought cousins Trinity, Xander & Orin with her. My friend Amanda came to watch the parade. She brought her husband, Luke and their kids Korbin and Emma. And Jed's mom and sister, Katie and cousin Hunter came too. Kammie had quite the cheering section!
After we watched the parade, we went down to the carnival, the kids rode rides, we ate lunch at Luciano's Italian restaurant, the kids rode rides, Kenna shopped the vendors and then we headed home. Exhausted. Jed, Koen, Kammie, KJ and myself all took naps. After sleep and food, Jed took Kenna, Koen & Kammie to the rodeo. KJ woke up and I watched Phineas and Ferb's new movie......
At the end of this past week, I was begining to think I was over the concussion, but then I had a major headache on Friday. (Aug. 26th) It was a "had to take the Loritab during the day" bad. :(
Next step: On September 7th I have an appointment with a Neurologist to see what can be done, and where I can go from here. Hopefully she can figure out how to get me back to normal.
It's been an exhausting month, but for some reason I am not Exhausted....
The one thing I didn't expect through all of this fiasco, was for it to bring me closer to God. I consider myself pretty strong when it comes to my Faith. I know God, and love Him. Yes, I've prayed throughout this ordeal, and asked for prayers from people, but I never considered myself to have any weakness of Faith. This, of course was very arrogant of me. So, how could my Faith in God grow stronger? Through the Holy Spirit.
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Now it's time to rest, rest and more rest so I can get back to work and exercising! (And I actually miss exercising! Who would've thought?!?!)
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Warrior Dash

Warrior Dash......Where to begin?
Let's see...It was fun. It was wet. It was muddy. It was hot, yes, definitely hot. I would do it again in a heartbeat.
You know from reading past posts that I despise running. It's just not my cup of tea. I've always disliked it. But I still do it. Why? Because when I am done running, I feel good. No, I feel great. There's no other explanation. "It may have sucked big time, but I did it." That feeling.
So, when I found the Warrior Dash online, I was pumped up about something I could do that actually involved running/jogging/walking. I love "events". I think it is more exciting to run a 3.1 mile distance if there are obstacles involved. Or mud.
Day before race: The girls and I left town around 7pm and headed off to KC. Three hours later I checked us into our hotel and we'd decided to go down the street and check out Zona Rosa. After about an hour out, we headed back to our lair for the night. We made our tee shirts, beer mug iron-ons and letters that said "Will Mud For Beer," and stayed up talking waaayyy too late. One friend and I only got about 80 minutes of sleep. Not the best idea we had.
Race Day: Regardless of the lack of sleep, I was up and at'em on time. Start time was 9:00am, so I needed to be at the field around 8:ooam. It was pretty organized. Step up in the line that your last name starts with, present your photo I.D., pick up your packet. Pretty cut and dry if you ask me. Next, I wanted to check out everything that was at the start/finish lines. So, I walked around a little. I couldn't see the entire course from where we were standing, but I could see the mud pit, the fire and the cargo net climb. All three looked exactly like they had online, so I was relieved. I bought a Warrior Dash bandanna, wrist band and car decal from the shop. The girls and I took some "before" pictures and then decided it was time to check our bags in the bag-check. Almost race time!
9:00am: And the flames roared....All 500 of our wave started together at the start line. It was exhilarating. I'm always nervous at the beginning of a race, but this time I wouldn't say I was nervous, but more excited. I set no time expectations for myself. My only goals were to complete ALL obstacles and finish. So, I set off to have some fun!
About the first quarter mile was a slow uphill jog. This was the first obstacle. It was called Hell's Hill. And it totally felt like the altitude changed on me. I was okay though, and I had my girls beside me. When we got to the top of the hill, it went right back down into the most amazing sledding hill. Well, if there was snow on the ground anyway. Everyone was tiptoeing down the hill and then I had the brainiac idea to roll down it. You know when you're little and you log roll down a hill? Well, that's what I decided to do. And it was great! One of my friends even told me later that a lady in front of us turned around to take a picture of me log rolling down the hill!
The second obstacle was the Barricade Breakdown. We had to hurdle over the Barricade walls and then crawl under the barbed wire. It was simple. Most likely The Red Frog guys wanted to take it easy on us to start with. It was fun and lots of people were hooting and hollering.
Knee High Hell was the third obstacle. We had to speed through hundreds of tires without falling face first. I enjoyed it a lot. It reminded me of doing P90X, but actually getting to use tires instead of pretending.
Fourth obstacle: Teetering Traverse. This one I loved. I have great balance, so I'd like to think that I traversed it well!
Next up, and number five was the Slithering Swamp. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. No snakes. Although later, as I was running, I was thinking about the movie 'Stand By Me' and mentally decided to check for leeches later. :)
I got a huge cockle burr in my shin somewhere in between obstacle 5 & 6. It took me a few minutes to pull it out, but then I was good to go.
This is also about the time that one friend took off and left the other friend and I to race together. Oh well, to each his own. Other friend and I had a blast together and I'm glad I had someone to enjoy it with. :)
Obstacle six: I couldn't find it on the Warrior Dash website. I think they may have replaced it now with another one that is similar. I thought it was too simple anyway, so probably they got rid of it. Basically it was monkey bars, but with a plank to walk across.
We had a few steep hills to go up and down in order to get to the next obstacle. It was the Rio Dash. Pretty easy, I just got a little wet again. Which was actually refreshing.
The race wasn't hard, but sometimes it was boring. I kept looking for the next obstacle to break up the rough terrain we were running through. And I'm not sure I could even call it running. It was a little too uneven to run. In the woodsy area it felt like my right foot/leg was about 6 inches higher than my left foot/leg.
One of the great things about the course were the volunteers and their music. At the next obstacle there were two girls blasting "Don't Stop Believing" it was just the fun I needed at the time. Obstacle eight was called Dead Man's Drop. After pulling myself up one side of the giant A-framed obstacle, I had about a 4 foot drop to the ground. It wasn't hard, but I was a little worried about getting splinters in my rear. I chose to slide backwards for the drop. Some of the 9:30 wave time participants were passing us at this time and I observed them sliding this way. So, I figured I should to. No splinters. Yay!
Obstacle nine was Chaotic Crossover. I liked it. I had to climb up about 6 feet and then spider walk across the cargo nets to the other side. A third of the way across there was a plank so I could re-grip the net. Then two-thirds of the way across another plank.
After number nine, It was quite a distance to the next obstacle. Pretty uneven, rough terrain again. I couldn't run all the time. People were slipping and sliding. I saw quite a few people wipe out. They were having a good time though and none of them got hurt, thank goodness.
Obstacle ten was Hay Fever. Hay was stacked up like a pyramid and had large belts securing it in formation. As I climbed up the first side, a lady started climbing next to me. She used the strap to pull herself up the hay. It caught my abdomen and almost knocked me straight back into the air. Thank goodness I caught myself.
The terrain had changed again and I was back on the field. No more rocky, muddy, uneven ground. Wahoo! Homestretch baby!
Obstacle eleven was Cargo Climb. I had to maneuver up and over the cargo nets. It was pretty simple, getting up on the first rung was the hardest part. And it wasn't even hard.
The Well anticipated Warrior Roast was second to last. I had been looking forward to this one all day. My friend and I ran and lept through it together. It was fun and I even felt the heat a little. The camera man told me "nice leap!" after I finished it. I have to say years of leaping in baton twirling helped out. :)
The final obstacle: Muddy Mayhem. It was awesome. A huge mud pit that I had to jump into and then scramble beneath barbed wire to the finish. Let me tell you, mud never felt so good. I now know why pigs roll in the mud all day. It is actually cool and refreshing. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
My friend and I got out of the mud, which by the way is the only place throughout the race where I slipped. And mostly that was because I was trying to grab a handful of mud and straw to through at my friend! Which I accomplished.
Finish time 10:22am.
Yes, it took me and my friend one hour and twenty-two minutes to finish a 3.1 mile course. But it was waaayyy more fun than just a 3 mile course. I made memories to keep my entire lifetime.
After, getting my Warrior Dash finisher medal and a few cups of cold water, I went to see another friend take off in the 10:30am wave. Then, it was time to get my bag out of bag check, grab my camera and snap some "after" shots.
The Fire Department hosed everyone down, and I donated my shoes to be recycled. My chip timer attached to my shoe was my ticket for my free beer. After drinking my beer and consuming a turkey leg, it was time to head back to the hotel for a "real" shower.
When all three of us were all cleaned up, we decided to hit Zona ROsa again for some food and shopping. I got to go to Marshall's (my favorite) and also Barnes and Noble. One friend returned to the hotel early because she wasn't feeling well, and the other friend and I weren't too far behind her. We had plans to stay out late and enjoy being kidless, but between the 80 minutes of sleep the previous night and the Days events, we were worn out! I was tucked into my hotel bed by 8:30pm and sleeping by 10:00pm
Sunday morning, we went to breakfast at The Cracker Barrel and then hit the road back home!
An eventful weekend. A fun weekend. A weekend I will never forget. Thanks for the memories Warrior Dash!
And if you think a Warrior Dash may be in your future.....Here's the website:
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Days 20-30
So....Where to begin, I don't know, I guess with day 20 since that's where I left off.
Day 20 was a run day. Not too bad either. I did a 5K in 31 minutes. Impressive for me. Actually very impressive!
Day 21 was a bike day. Not only was I extremely sore from pushing out a fast 5K for me, but I also had a good book to read and I can only read on the recumbent bike. Hey, what can I say....reading is a priority too!
Days 22, 23 & 24 were rest days. Not really resting, but not putting on workout clothes and going to beat myself up at the gym! And actually on day 24, I put on my swimsuit and did some high diving board moves at the public pool. You know cannon balls, toe touches, can openers and yes of course belly flops and back busters! Hey, can't let the kids show me up!
Day 25 started an extremely busy week for me & the kids. We had VBS every morning, then my work every afternoon. So on Monday the 25thI had an awesome workout. I did 20 minutes on the grey and yellow elliptical machines (none of us, my friends or I, really know what it is called, so we just call it the grey and yellow thing) and then 10 minutes on the bike, and finished with a 10 minute mile! Yay for me, awesome workout!
Day 26-29 However the rest of the week was not so great. I was just so busy with VBS and work and Husband was extremely busy at work, that I didn't get to workout at all! I was a little worried that I would totally suck at the Warrior Dash, but then again, the goal was to finish, not win.
All-in-all I have to be happy with my 30 days of fitness. Yes, I know technically it wasn't 30 days, but I knew going into it, with our busy lives, it would be a challenge. And it was! I enjoyed having the challenge too.
Next post....Warrior Dash!
Day 20 was a run day. Not too bad either. I did a 5K in 31 minutes. Impressive for me. Actually very impressive!
Day 21 was a bike day. Not only was I extremely sore from pushing out a fast 5K for me, but I also had a good book to read and I can only read on the recumbent bike. Hey, what can I say....reading is a priority too!
Days 22, 23 & 24 were rest days. Not really resting, but not putting on workout clothes and going to beat myself up at the gym! And actually on day 24, I put on my swimsuit and did some high diving board moves at the public pool. You know cannon balls, toe touches, can openers and yes of course belly flops and back busters! Hey, can't let the kids show me up!
Day 25 started an extremely busy week for me & the kids. We had VBS every morning, then my work every afternoon. So on Monday the 25thI had an awesome workout. I did 20 minutes on the grey and yellow elliptical machines (none of us, my friends or I, really know what it is called, so we just call it the grey and yellow thing) and then 10 minutes on the bike, and finished with a 10 minute mile! Yay for me, awesome workout!
Day 26-29 However the rest of the week was not so great. I was just so busy with VBS and work and Husband was extremely busy at work, that I didn't get to workout at all! I was a little worried that I would totally suck at the Warrior Dash, but then again, the goal was to finish, not win.
All-in-all I have to be happy with my 30 days of fitness. Yes, I know technically it wasn't 30 days, but I knew going into it, with our busy lives, it would be a challenge. And it was! I enjoyed having the challenge too.
Next post....Warrior Dash!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Days 7-19
So....I haven't fallen off the workout wagon, I've just been working-out inside since it's been 100+ flippin degres outside! And, of course I said blogging would be the hard part of he 30 day fit challenge, and I was 100% right. Not that I haven't sweated my butt off lately, cuz I have. And I have the smelly sweaty clothes to prove it! But you really don't want to smell them and they are most likely washed by now. Well, are least we hope?!?!
So Day 7 was a 3 mile walk/jog. I warmed up for 3 minutes then started jogging for 30 seconds followed by walking on an incline for 2 minutes. It wasn't hard & I probably should of pushed myself, but I did the 12 mile bike ride the day before.
Days 8, 9 & 10 I rested. Mostly because it was the weekend and I was struggling to have any desire to be near a gym!
Day 11 I rode the recumbent bike at Genesis. 45 minutes, 345 calories, not too crazy and extremely hot outside. So, I was glad to stay indoors!
Day 12 was a 3 mile walk/jog again. I stayed with the same routine I did on day 7. Too easy though.
Day 13 I rode the bike again. This time for 1 hour. 475 calories. And I sweated my rearend off...indoors! The gym was unbelievably hot....
Day 14 was another 3 mile walk/jog day. This time I ran a little faster and on an incline. I did whatever the fat burner routine was on the treadmill. It was HARD!!!!!!! And definately worth it!
Days 15, 16 & 17 Well, what can I say, it was the weekend again. Downtime!
Day 18 was a bike day. 1 hour again. 475 calories burned again. It's getting boring, I need to get outside to workout!
Day 19 No workout today...I just wasn't feeling it at all. But hopefully I'll be back on track tomorrow!
All for now,
Happy Trails,
So Day 7 was a 3 mile walk/jog. I warmed up for 3 minutes then started jogging for 30 seconds followed by walking on an incline for 2 minutes. It wasn't hard & I probably should of pushed myself, but I did the 12 mile bike ride the day before.
Days 8, 9 & 10 I rested. Mostly because it was the weekend and I was struggling to have any desire to be near a gym!
Day 11 I rode the recumbent bike at Genesis. 45 minutes, 345 calories, not too crazy and extremely hot outside. So, I was glad to stay indoors!
Day 12 was a 3 mile walk/jog again. I stayed with the same routine I did on day 7. Too easy though.
Day 13 I rode the bike again. This time for 1 hour. 475 calories. And I sweated my rearend off...indoors! The gym was unbelievably hot....
Day 14 was another 3 mile walk/jog day. This time I ran a little faster and on an incline. I did whatever the fat burner routine was on the treadmill. It was HARD!!!!!!! And definately worth it!
Days 15, 16 & 17 Well, what can I say, it was the weekend again. Downtime!
Day 18 was a bike day. 1 hour again. 475 calories burned again. It's getting boring, I need to get outside to workout!
Day 19 No workout today...I just wasn't feeling it at all. But hopefully I'll be back on track tomorrow!
All for now,
Happy Trails,
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Day 6
Day 6 workout consisted of a 12 mile bike ride. It was an awesome night for a ride. Beautiful, comfy 83° with a little wind. I started out at 8pm and got to see the sun set throughout the ride. I wish I had my camera on me to share it, but my hands were a little busy with the handlebars.
One thing I forgot about from years past of riding, always remember to keep my mouth closed while riding a bicycle! Unless, of course, my latest diet consists of flying insects. Ick!
Day 6 Stats:
Start time: 8:04pm
Date: 7/6
Time: 01:10:52
Distance: 12.16
Avg. Speed (mph): 10.29
Max Speed (mph): 16.13
Avg. Pace (mi/min): 5:50
Max Pace (mi/min): 3:43
Calories Burned: 1553
Mile Time Splits:
Mile 1: 5:55
Mile 2: 5:42
Mile 3: 5:44
Mile 4: 6:08
Mile 5: 5:27
Mile 6: 5:53
Mile 7: 4:52
Mile 8: 6:08
Mile 9: 6:33
Mile 10: 6:13
Mile 11: 6:00
Mile 12: 5:42
One thing I forgot about from years past of riding, always remember to keep my mouth closed while riding a bicycle! Unless, of course, my latest diet consists of flying insects. Ick!
Day 6 Stats:
Start time: 8:04pm
Date: 7/6
Time: 01:10:52
Distance: 12.16
Avg. Speed (mph): 10.29
Max Speed (mph): 16.13
Avg. Pace (mi/min): 5:50
Max Pace (mi/min): 3:43
Calories Burned: 1553
Mile Time Splits:
Mile 1: 5:55
Mile 2: 5:42
Mile 3: 5:44
Mile 4: 6:08
Mile 5: 5:27
Mile 6: 5:53
Mile 7: 4:52
Mile 8: 6:08
Mile 9: 6:33
Mile 10: 6:13
Mile 11: 6:00
Mile 12: 5:42
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Day 5
Day 5 workout, done! And I must say it was super hard for just a 3 mile walk. This coming a day after a morning of golf and a afternoon of tubing and knee-boarding on the lake.
Lesson learned: I HAVE to switch up the workout in order to get results. Period. Muscles get too used to the everyday workout.
Now, what to do with this little information..... There are endless posibilities.
In the past I have kept the workouts to walk/jog/run/bike/aerobics class. Now I need to see what other fitness areas I enjoy. Well, I really like tubing and knee-boarding, but I don't personally own a boat where I can go out every weekend and participate. So, what else can I incorporate into my workout????
I'll have to think on this one..... :)
Day 5 stats:
Start time: 9:03pm
Date: 7/5
Time: 00:40:29
Distance (mi): 3.21
Avg speed (mph): 4.76
Max speed (mph): 6.15
Avg pace (min/mi) 12:36
Max pace (min/mi): 9:45
Calories burned: 409
Mile split times:
Mile 1: 0:12:34
Mile 2: 0:12:37
Mile 3: 0:13:01
Lesson learned: I HAVE to switch up the workout in order to get results. Period. Muscles get too used to the everyday workout.
Now, what to do with this little information..... There are endless posibilities.
In the past I have kept the workouts to walk/jog/run/bike/aerobics class. Now I need to see what other fitness areas I enjoy. Well, I really like tubing and knee-boarding, but I don't personally own a boat where I can go out every weekend and participate. So, what else can I incorporate into my workout????
I'll have to think on this one..... :)
Day 5 stats:
Start time: 9:03pm
Date: 7/5
Time: 00:40:29
Distance (mi): 3.21
Avg speed (mph): 4.76
Max speed (mph): 6.15
Avg pace (min/mi) 12:36
Max pace (min/mi): 9:45
Calories burned: 409
Mile split times:
Mile 1: 0:12:34
Mile 2: 0:12:37
Mile 3: 0:13:01
Monday, July 4, 2011
Day 4
No Day 3 workout....We decided last minute to travel to my parents house and go to the Smokin' Hot BBQ. The BBQ was pretty good. It poured down rain though, so no fireworks. The kids were pretty bummed.
Day 4 workout was 9 holes of golf.
Now, before today, I had played golf exactly 2 times. And both times were 9 yrs ago when Husband and I went to Bella Vista, AR.
Needless to say I was a bit rusty!
I worked up a good drenching sweat by hole 2. We rented a cart, I don't know why, I found it easier to just run to my ball, since I would only hit it about 25-50 yards. By the time we made it to hole 9, I was hitting it pretty decent. I even whizzed one about 20 feet from where Husband was standing!
I don't have stats for the workout, my phone was dead so I couldn't use my Fit Tracker app. But, with how much sweat was rolling off me, I'd say it was a good one. I looked up 110 minutes of golf and this is what I came with....
Riding in a cart, calories burned: 411
Walking a 9 hole course, calories burned: 721
I went with the average: 566 calories burned.
Not a great number for how much I was sweating, but the good news is we are headed to the lake today and I am going to add to my calorie total by doing some mad tubing!
Having fun and working out, now that's what I'm talking about!
Day 4 workout was 9 holes of golf.
Now, before today, I had played golf exactly 2 times. And both times were 9 yrs ago when Husband and I went to Bella Vista, AR.
Needless to say I was a bit rusty!
I worked up a good drenching sweat by hole 2. We rented a cart, I don't know why, I found it easier to just run to my ball, since I would only hit it about 25-50 yards. By the time we made it to hole 9, I was hitting it pretty decent. I even whizzed one about 20 feet from where Husband was standing!
I don't have stats for the workout, my phone was dead so I couldn't use my Fit Tracker app. But, with how much sweat was rolling off me, I'd say it was a good one. I looked up 110 minutes of golf and this is what I came with....
Riding in a cart, calories burned: 411
Walking a 9 hole course, calories burned: 721
I went with the average: 566 calories burned.
Not a great number for how much I was sweating, but the good news is we are headed to the lake today and I am going to add to my calorie total by doing some mad tubing!
Having fun and working out, now that's what I'm talking about!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Day 2
For Day 2 get fit workout, I decided to go for a bike ride. Initially I set out to do 10 miles, 4 miles with Kid 2 riding along. But, 0.5 miles into it, Kid 2 decided he was done. He was falling way back and I didn't want to ride the entire 4 miles this way. So, we rode home.
At home, Husband said he was bored. I said, "Well you have a bike, right?"
I had to wait for him to finish with the super he was fixing the kids and airing up his tires, but it was worth it.
About 20 minutes later we were set to go on our romantic/workout bike ride. And boy was it a workout! Lot's and lot's and lot's of hills.
So, I've had my bike since Husband and I got married 14 years ago. It is a $79 wal-mart special, but I still ride it. The brakes don't work so well, the tires are always in need of air, (esp since more weight is being put on the back tire than when I purchased it years ago) and the gears no longer shift. Or, if I try to shift them, the chain falls off....lol I love my bike though.
We are pedaling along, me way behind Husband, because he takes spin class. And let's face it, he is stronger & faster than me. On the downhill part Husband is coasting and I still have to pedal. (No gears, remember?) Husband thinks this is pretty funny. I just told him, "I get a better workout this way!"
Anyway, about 45 minutes later, we are home. I am sweating to death. Well, I guess not to death since I am still living, but it was pretty bad. But, I love it! I guess it is the adrenaline burst you get when you finish a great workout. I don't really care what it is, I just love it!
Here are my stats:
Start time: 5:21pm
Date: 7/2
Time: 1:01:18
Distance (mi): 8.91
Average speed (mph): 8.72
Max speed (mph): 14.17
Average pace (mi/min) 6:53
Max pace (mi/min): 4:14
Calories burned: 1138
Mile split times:
Mile 1: 8:48
Mile 2: 9:27
Mile 3: 6:17
Mile 4: 5:30
Mile 5: 6:17
Mile 6: 6:27
Mile 7: 6:33
Mile 8: 5:57
Mile 1 and 2 we're not great times since Kid 2 decided he was going to ride so slow. Oh well, I'm glad he wanted to get outside and ride instead of playing DS, computer, Wii or PS2.
At home, Husband said he was bored. I said, "Well you have a bike, right?"
I had to wait for him to finish with the super he was fixing the kids and airing up his tires, but it was worth it.
About 20 minutes later we were set to go on our romantic/workout bike ride. And boy was it a workout! Lot's and lot's and lot's of hills.
So, I've had my bike since Husband and I got married 14 years ago. It is a $79 wal-mart special, but I still ride it. The brakes don't work so well, the tires are always in need of air, (esp since more weight is being put on the back tire than when I purchased it years ago) and the gears no longer shift. Or, if I try to shift them, the chain falls off....lol I love my bike though.
We are pedaling along, me way behind Husband, because he takes spin class. And let's face it, he is stronger & faster than me. On the downhill part Husband is coasting and I still have to pedal. (No gears, remember?) Husband thinks this is pretty funny. I just told him, "I get a better workout this way!"
Anyway, about 45 minutes later, we are home. I am sweating to death. Well, I guess not to death since I am still living, but it was pretty bad. But, I love it! I guess it is the adrenaline burst you get when you finish a great workout. I don't really care what it is, I just love it!
Here are my stats:
Start time: 5:21pm
Date: 7/2
Time: 1:01:18
Distance (mi): 8.91
Average speed (mph): 8.72
Max speed (mph): 14.17
Average pace (mi/min) 6:53
Max pace (mi/min): 4:14
Calories burned: 1138
Mile split times:
Mile 1: 8:48
Mile 2: 9:27
Mile 3: 6:17
Mile 4: 5:30
Mile 5: 6:17
Mile 6: 6:27
Mile 7: 6:33
Mile 8: 5:57
Mile 1 and 2 we're not great times since Kid 2 decided he was going to ride so slow. Oh well, I'm glad he wanted to get outside and ride instead of playing DS, computer, Wii or PS2.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Day 1
I am doing the 30 day fit challenge! Yep, I really am. I actually am not afraid of failing the fit part of it, but instead afraid of failing the 30 days of blogging part of it. Although, I have actually blogged more in the last 30 days than I have worked out, so maybe I should be scraed?!?!
Good luck to me!
On the agenda today......3 mile walk.
Start time: 8:43pm
Date: 7/1/11
Time: 00:39:35
Distance: 3.17
Avg speed: 4.8
Max sped: 6.15
Avg pace (min/mi): 12:30
Max pace (min/mi): 9:45
Calories burned: 405
Mile split times:
Mile 1: 11:16
Mile 2: 12:37
Mile 3: 13:26
Not too bad for the first time out in months. But lot's to improve on!
Good luck to me!
On the agenda today......3 mile walk.
Start time: 8:43pm
Date: 7/1/11
Time: 00:39:35
Distance: 3.17
Avg speed: 4.8
Max sped: 6.15
Avg pace (min/mi): 12:30
Max pace (min/mi): 9:45
Calories burned: 405
Mile split times:
Mile 1: 11:16
Mile 2: 12:37
Mile 3: 13:26
Not too bad for the first time out in months. But lot's to improve on!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
June 25th, 2011
I changed my mind.....Starting a 30 day training on July 1st to prep for the Warrior Dash on July 30th. If all goes well, I'll keep training for the 1/2 marathon in October again. Cross your fingers. Both hands. And toes. And, well you might as well cross your legs as well! Good luck to me!!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
June 2011
Trying to lose weight S-U-C-K-S!!!!!!!!! I'm quitting, throwing in the towel, saying goodbye to dieting. I'm just going to be myself. I think I'll be much happier anyway! Now, I'm not going to go scarf down cheeseburgers, fries & milkshakes....I actually eat healthy fruits & veggies most of the time. So, goodbye, so long, C-ya, ciao, sayonara diets! Good riddence! H-E-L-L-O happier me!
Mel :)
Mel :)
Sunday, April 17, 2011
April 17th, 2011
Exercise sucks! I am holding steady at 20 lbs lost, but I really, really, really dislike exercising right now. It could be because I have been working 40 hrs a week, running Koen to soccer and baseball practices, and games almost every day of the week. Running Kammie to soccer practice and games at least 2 times a week. And also Kenna has confirmation once a week in west Wichita! I have to find a way to fit in at least 30 minutes a day. I don't know how yet, but I'm going to try and find a way. I have however been doing excellant on the food part of losing weight. I am eating mostly fruits and vegetables, some meat here and there, but no lunch meat or hot dogs. Black beans, homemade peanut butter, yogurt with flax seed and real cheese. Now, just to figure out the exercising part.........Oh, what to do, what to do.......Any suggestions?!?!?!? Help!!!!!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Monday, March 14th, 2011
I can't figure out what my problem is, but for some reason I always try to sabotage my weight loss. Well, I managed to do it again this past week. At weigh-in I was up 2.2lbs! I can't believe it, I was doing so good. And now, because I already have it in my head that I have failed, I am not even thinking about weight loss anymore.....depressing!
This time I am putting my foot down and changing the pattern. I am determined to take off all the extra weight I am carrying. I have to have positive thoughts and feelings about food or this will never work. Fruit & veggies are the key!!!
I am going to exercise this week, a lot! I went to the track last night and did 1.5 miles and then ran up and down the stairs for 2 sets. It was a good start back to the exercise regime, enough to start building on anyway.
So wish me luck. I;m willing to keep trying. Everybody has setbacks, so I should too!
This time I am putting my foot down and changing the pattern. I am determined to take off all the extra weight I am carrying. I have to have positive thoughts and feelings about food or this will never work. Fruit & veggies are the key!!!
I am going to exercise this week, a lot! I went to the track last night and did 1.5 miles and then ran up and down the stairs for 2 sets. It was a good start back to the exercise regime, enough to start building on anyway.
So wish me luck. I;m willing to keep trying. Everybody has setbacks, so I should too!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Monday, March 7th, 2011
Well....I DID IT!!!!! I made my first goal of 20 pounds! Actually this week I lost .07 lbs. Not as much as I'd like to lose each week, but at least it got me past my goal.
Next goal: 10 more pounds. I figure the first 20 might have come off somewhat easy since I wasn't really watching my food intake.
My girlfriends and I are also planning on doing the Warrior Dash on July 31st, 2011. It's a 5K that also has crazy obstacles like jumping over cars, climbing hay bales, wading through a pond, jumping over fire & slithering through mud under barbed wire. Sounds like loads of fun! Can't wait!!!!
I'm going to have to train for a 5K and maybe some endurance training.
Next goal: 10 more pounds. I figure the first 20 might have come off somewhat easy since I wasn't really watching my food intake.
My girlfriends and I are also planning on doing the Warrior Dash on July 31st, 2011. It's a 5K that also has crazy obstacles like jumping over cars, climbing hay bales, wading through a pond, jumping over fire & slithering through mud under barbed wire. Sounds like loads of fun! Can't wait!!!!
I'm going to have to train for a 5K and maybe some endurance training.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Monday, February 28th, 2011
Down 1 lb. So, somewhere along the way, I changed my first mini-goal from weighing 190 lbs to losing 20 lbs total. I don't know why, but a goal of 18.8 lbs just wasn't motivating enough. So now, I am only .5 lbs away from my first goal of 20 lbs! I am definately going to get some working out in so that I can be done with the first 20 and move on.....
Monday, February 21st, 2011
Down 0.9 lbs this week. If I had worked out even one day it might have been more. I have to find the time and energy to do it!
Better luck next week?!?!
At least I didn't gain! :-)
Better luck next week?!?!
At least I didn't gain! :-)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Monday, February 14th, 2011

Week 4 results
Awwww...Valentines day. What a great day, for everyone in love. Well, I actually think it is a really stupid holiday we Americans celebrate out of boredom of our normal lives. Why can't we celebrate love everyday of the year? I am in agreeance of the holiday though because it boosts the economy. Something like 40 million dollars is spent on Valentine candy and chocolates each year. 40 MILLION????? I don't think we should have to pay taxes since we buy so much junk for such a silly holiday. Just my opinion though. :)
Anyway, on to the weigh-in. I lost 2.6 pounds this week. Making a grand total of 17.6 in one month. I'm pretty happy with that number.
But, I have to exercise more. I've been having some sweet cravings. That's not good. I think if I could exercise more, I'll lose those cravings.
In honor of my one month of Weight Watchers I've added my picture. Minus 17.6 pounds.
Monday, February 7th, 2011
Week 3 results
I did not get to post my weight from this week because I went to the SUPER BOWL!!!!!! Well, I didn't get in to the game, but I was there, in Dallas, watching and cheering from the outside!
Anyway, I thought I would not lose any weight, or even gain weight since I was out of town. But I actually left three pounds in Dallas!
Now I have lost a total of 14 pounds. Yay me!
I did not get to post my weight from this week because I went to the SUPER BOWL!!!!!! Well, I didn't get in to the game, but I was there, in Dallas, watching and cheering from the outside!
Anyway, I thought I would not lose any weight, or even gain weight since I was out of town. But I actually left three pounds in Dallas!
Now I have lost a total of 14 pounds. Yay me!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Monday, Jan. 31, 2011
Week 2 results
Weighed in today. I was a bit nervous though. I didn't workout last week at all and I ate 2 slices of pizza and cake at Kenna's birthday party. But I still managed to lose 1 pound.
The plan this week is to keep counting points and get in some exercise. I already managed to get in 30 minutes today. 10 minutes on the incline treadmill, 10 minutes on the tredall treadmill & 10 minutes on the bike. It felt good too! I should get to workout a lot this week because it is going to snow a lot and school is already cancelled for Tuesday. Which means all my kids will be going with me to the gym.....Fun, Fun.
I am amazed at how well I am doing on the food part of this journey. Hopefully I can keep it up.
Weighed in today. I was a bit nervous though. I didn't workout last week at all and I ate 2 slices of pizza and cake at Kenna's birthday party. But I still managed to lose 1 pound.
The plan this week is to keep counting points and get in some exercise. I already managed to get in 30 minutes today. 10 minutes on the incline treadmill, 10 minutes on the tredall treadmill & 10 minutes on the bike. It felt good too! I should get to workout a lot this week because it is going to snow a lot and school is already cancelled for Tuesday. Which means all my kids will be going with me to the gym.....Fun, Fun.
I am amazed at how well I am doing on the food part of this journey. Hopefully I can keep it up.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Jan. 24, 2011
Week 1 results
So this is the beginning of my weight loss journey. (I hope there's weight loss anyway) I now weigh my heaviest I've ever weighed without being pregnant. I'm going the weight watchers route. Not going to classes and weigh-ins every week though. I just don't have the time to go with 4 kids, working FT, husband, house, church, sports.....etc. I know how the program works. I can consume 28 points a day, and if I want I can have 35 flex points to use each week. I'm hoping to not use the flex points though. I kinda feel like it is "cheating" I've bookmarked the weight watchers calculator at http://www.calculatorcat.com/ on my home computer and my phone, so that I can check any food that has calories, fat grams, and fiber.
This is actually the end of my first week. I started on 1/17/2011. I've been eating mostly high fiber cereal for breakfast, a banana for a snack, lean cuisine frozen meal for lunch, carrots for a snack, 5 cups of 98% lower fat popcorn for a later snack, and a small portion of dinner. (usually 4-5 points). This must be working okay because I lost 10 pounds in the first week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still can't believe I lost that much in a week. I'll need to add in some other foods this week in order to not be bored though. I'm thinking hard boiled egg whites, chicken breast, tuna and a little more milk. I am drinking about 75 Oz's. of water a day too. So far the sugar withdrawal has not been bad, but I've had a headache every day that is tolerable.
Exercise is BLAH!!!! I used to love to exercise, I don't know what has happened to that desire. I did manage to run 2/walk 1 times 10 this past week 3 times. But if I want to lose some serious weight I'm going to have to exercise daily. Like I said BLAH!!!!
My beginning weight is 208.8lbs. YIKES!!!! That is what I weighed at my 6 week check-up after I had my last baby, KJ. He's now 2 3/4 yrs old. My plan is to weigh-in every Monday morning and post that evening. Also weight watchers likes you to have an ultimate goal weight and several mini goals. I like to say I want to weigh 150, but what if I get there and want to weigh less? So I'm going with the saying "I'll know when I get there" (Hopefully not more than 150 though...lol) My first mini goal is to be 190 lbs. Since I already lost 10 pounds, I am only 9 lbs away from my first mini goal! But that doesn't mean I will get there fast.
Well, time to plan out week 2!!
So this is the beginning of my weight loss journey. (I hope there's weight loss anyway) I now weigh my heaviest I've ever weighed without being pregnant. I'm going the weight watchers route. Not going to classes and weigh-ins every week though. I just don't have the time to go with 4 kids, working FT, husband, house, church, sports.....etc. I know how the program works. I can consume 28 points a day, and if I want I can have 35 flex points to use each week. I'm hoping to not use the flex points though. I kinda feel like it is "cheating" I've bookmarked the weight watchers calculator at http://www.calculatorcat.com/ on my home computer and my phone, so that I can check any food that has calories, fat grams, and fiber.
This is actually the end of my first week. I started on 1/17/2011. I've been eating mostly high fiber cereal for breakfast, a banana for a snack, lean cuisine frozen meal for lunch, carrots for a snack, 5 cups of 98% lower fat popcorn for a later snack, and a small portion of dinner. (usually 4-5 points). This must be working okay because I lost 10 pounds in the first week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still can't believe I lost that much in a week. I'll need to add in some other foods this week in order to not be bored though. I'm thinking hard boiled egg whites, chicken breast, tuna and a little more milk. I am drinking about 75 Oz's. of water a day too. So far the sugar withdrawal has not been bad, but I've had a headache every day that is tolerable.
Exercise is BLAH!!!! I used to love to exercise, I don't know what has happened to that desire. I did manage to run 2/walk 1 times 10 this past week 3 times. But if I want to lose some serious weight I'm going to have to exercise daily. Like I said BLAH!!!!
My beginning weight is 208.8lbs. YIKES!!!! That is what I weighed at my 6 week check-up after I had my last baby, KJ. He's now 2 3/4 yrs old. My plan is to weigh-in every Monday morning and post that evening. Also weight watchers likes you to have an ultimate goal weight and several mini goals. I like to say I want to weigh 150, but what if I get there and want to weigh less? So I'm going with the saying "I'll know when I get there" (Hopefully not more than 150 though...lol) My first mini goal is to be 190 lbs. Since I already lost 10 pounds, I am only 9 lbs away from my first mini goal! But that doesn't mean I will get there fast.
Well, time to plan out week 2!!
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